Northville Drunk Driving Favorable Results
Our client was charged with drunk driving in Northville, Michigan. This happened after having drinks in Plymouth and crashing into a car when she was backing out. She didn’t have her proof of insurance on her at the time, she freaked out and took off. The other driver followed the client home and on the way called the police. The client’s blood alcohol content was more than two times the legal limit, .183 grams per 100 milliliters, putting her in the Super Drunk High BAC category.
After her arrest, she made the right call and contacted Northville drunk driving lawyer, Aaron J. Boria at (734) 453-7806.
Super Drunk High BAC in Northville
A conviction for the Super Drunk offense means that you could get up to six months in jail.
Mandatory license suspension for a year (in some cases you can get a restricted license after 45 days with a “blow and go” device installed on the car for the remaining 320 days.
Fines close to $1000 plus costs
6 points added to your driving record
Northville Drunk Driving Lawyer
In a case such as this one, where a person crashed into another vehicle, was more than two times the legal limit, didn’t have their insurance with them, and involves an eye witness, it is difficult to defend. Luckily, she had Northville criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria on her side.
For fleeing the scene, she was charged with leaving the scene of a property damage accident. In Michigan, this is what we call a hit and run. Boria was able to prevent her from being convicted of leaving the scene of a property damage accident: A misdemeanor, that carries up to 93 days in jail, $500 in fines plus costs, as well as 6 points added to your driving record. This charge was dismissed.
Boria was able to prevent her from being convicted of failure to display insurance: a civil infraction punishable by fines and costs. This charge was also dismissed.
Boria was also able to get her matter reduced to impaired driving, the lowest drinking and driving offense in Michigan.
At sentencing Boria was able to get her sentence down to a mere six months of probation.
The reduction to impaired driving will allow our client to keep her drivers license. Her potential jail time was cut in half, but she won’t have to serve a single day. Her fines were reduced by hundreds of dollars. With all the license points she could have gotten, she only ended up with 4.
Call (734) 453-7806 today to speak with Northville drunk driving lawyer, Aaron J. Boria.
Your case could be better or worse. Some cases can be dismissed, others can be won at trial, and others can be reduced.