Drinking and Driving Lawyer Plymouth
Facing drinking and driving charges in Plymouth Michigan? Your ticket may read OWI for Operating While Intoxicated, High BAC .17 for Super Drunk, or some other DUI related offense.
If you are facing DUI charges in Michigan contact DUI lawyer, Aaron J. Boria at (734) 453-7806.
Drinking and Driving Lawyer in Plymouth
The Plymouth Police are looking to make arrests for drinking and driving. There is a major push by the state and local government to look for and arrest drinking drivers. There is a major incentive for these arrests because of the safety issue, but also because drinking and driving convictions are a major money maker for the courts. For those reasons the police department aggressively arrests and prosecutes drinking and driving arrests.
If you have been arrested in Plymouth for drinking and driving your case will be heard at the 35th District Court by one of three judges.
One of the worst things about being charged with a drinking and driving offense is fear of the unknown. You have probably found yourself asking questions like, “Will I go to jail?”, “Will I lose my license?”, “What is going to happen with my job?”, “Will my family or friends find out?”.
Our office is less than a mile away from the courthouse. Our firm appears in the 35th District Court multiple times a week, sometimes daily. We know the prosecutors and judges, so we know what you should expect before it happens.
We guide our clients through the process from beginning to end making things as smooth and painless as possible. You are a person, and you deserve to be treated as such.
Defending a DUI in Plymouth
The burden is on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They must prove that you were operating a motor vehicle, on a public road, while under the influence of alcohol (or drugs) and that the blood alcohol level was above a .08 or above a .17.
If even one element cannot be met then you are entitled to a verdict of Not Guilty!
The prosecution must also be able to prove that police legally stopped you, that the police legally arrested you, and that any statement evidence, chemical evidence, or other evidence the police gain from you was obtained in a legal permissible fashion.
If even one of your rights were violated there is a great chance that your case will be dismissed.
Even if the police did everything perfectly, and you even if you believe you are guilty, our firm has tremendous success in keeping out clients out of jail, saving them thousands of dollars, saving them points on their license, and saving their driving privileges.
Plymouth DUI Lawyer
Aaron J. Boria has represented countless individuals charged with drinking and driving in Plymouth. Everything from operating while visibly impaired to felony drinking and driving.
When you need results contact our office (734) 453-7806.