Drinking and Driving Novi Lawyer
This past week a client of ours was sentenced on a drinking and driving offence. Originally he was charged with Operating While Intoxicated. After negotiations with the prosecuting attorney, the charge was dropped to an Operating While Visibly Impaired.
Probation recommended an incredibly harsh sentence, which is no surprise at the 52-1 District Court.
DUI lawyer, Aaron J. Boria spoke with the judge and obtained a much more lenient result than what the probation department wanted. Facing criminal charges at the Novi Court? Call Boria Law today (734) 453-7806.
Sentencing on a DUI
If you have been convicted of a first offense drinking and driving in the 52-1 District Court you could be looking at the following penalties:
- Two Years on Probation
- Up to 93 Days in Jail
- Fines and Costs
- AA/NA Mandatory Meetings
- Daily Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Interlock Device Installed on your Vehicle
- Inpatient/Outpatient Counseling
- Drug and Alcohol Education
- Community Service
- Jail Work Program
In the case mentioned above, probation recommended 18 months on supervised probation, an interlock device installed on the vehicle with daily alcohol testing, weekly AA meetings, and outpatient counseling.
After Aaron J. Boria spoke with the judge, probation was reduced down to 12-months, no other recommendation was followed by the judge. Additionally, the client is eligible for early release from probation in a mere six months.
The judge ordered random alcohol testing and 35 hours of community service, not a bad result at the 52-1 District Court, a court known for being overly harsh with an overly harsh probation department.
Drinking and Driving Lawyer
If you are facing drinking and driving charges at the 52-1 District Court in Novi contact drinking and driving lawyer, Aaron J. Boria (734) 453-7806.
Even if you believe you are guilty and the evidence against you is overwhelming drinking and driving lawyer, Aaron J. Boria can get you a great result! It may even be possible to get your charges reduced or even dismissed.