Hit and Run DUI – No Jail – No Probation
If you believe you are being investigated for hit and run, then you need to speak with a lawyer before the police speak with you. Call criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria today (734) 453-7806.
In a recent case our client was drinking at a bar near Walled Lake. When he left the bar he hit another vehicle and fled the scene in a panic, realizing he never should have been driving. Concerned about the other driver he returned near the scene to see what was happening. Police spotted him, seeing damage to his vehicle the police suspected it was him, he admitted to driving, and was ultimately arrested.
The incident was a major eye opener. The prosecutor was waiting on blood results and because of that it took almost a year for the state of Michigan to charge our client with Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident and Operating While Intoxicated. Our client wised up and consulted with our office right away.
We used the time that passed while waiting for the blood results to our advantage. Our client got sober and attended alcoholics anonymous twice a week until we got to court. This extra work our client put in made for a favorable outcome.
Hit and Run in Michigan
A Hit and Run in Michigan, also referred to as Failed to Stop or Identify after Property Damage Accident, MCL 257.618, is a criminal charge that could result in up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine, 6 points added to your driving record and the loss of your license.
Michigan Drinking and Driving
Operating while intoxicated is the most common drinking and driving offense in Michigan. The penalty is up to 93 days in jail plus fines and license sanctions. Our client’s blood alcohol level was over .17, so he was charged under the Super Drunk High BAC offense. The Michigan Super Drunk offense carries more severe penalties than the offense of Operating While Intoxicated. License sanctions are much worse, jail time is up to 6 months, and fines are heftier.
Prior to entering into any plea agreement we were able to get the judge to make a promise of no jail, which was a major win when you are in Oakland County and charged by the Oakland County Prosecutor.
Michigan Drinking and Driving Lawyer
To take things a step further, we were able to get the judge to agree to non-reporting probation. The only thing our client would have to do is continue to remain sober, and pay his fines and costs. A major win when you consider how high his blood alcohol level was and the fact that he fled the scene of the accident.
If you have been charged with drinking and driving charges, even in situations such as this one where evidence of guilt appears to be overwhelming, we can still help you. Had our client gone without great criminal defense representation jail would have been a major possibility. Do not take the prosecutor, cops, and judge on alone. Call Michigan drinking and driving lawyer, Aaron J. Boria today for a free consultation (734) 453-7806.