Plymouth Criminal Lawyer
If you have been charged with a crime in the Plymouth, Canton or Northville area call Plymouth criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria (734) 453-7806.
Boria Law – Criminal Defense Attorney, is a criminal defense firm with years of experiences, a reputation for not backing down, and winning difficult cases. We fight for our clients and we get results when they need them the most.
If you have been charged with a crime call Aaron J. Boria today, criminal defense is all we do.
35th District Court
If you have been charged with a crime in Plymouth, Canton or Northville then your case will be heard at the 35th District Court in Plymouth, less than a mile from the office of Boria Law – Criminal Defense Attorney.
At the 35th District Court, your case will be heard by Judge Plakas, Judge Lowe, or Judge Gerou. The city attorney or Wayne County Prosecutor’s office will be seeking a conviction against you.
Criminal attorney, Aaron J. Boria, is at the 35th District Court defending clients multiple times a week. Boria is familiar with all three judges and the prosecutor’s offices. Over the years, Boria has defended people in the 35th District Court over a thousand times. For that reason, Boria knows what you should expect, and how to deal with the judges, and prosecutors.
Plymouth Criminal Lawyer
If you have been charged with a crime, the first hearing you have at the 35th District Court will be an arraignment.
At the arraignment the judge will set a bond, which is a promise to return to the court supported by money and conditions. Put another way, in order to leave the court the judge may require you to pay the court money to be held until your case is resolved. If you cannot pay the money then you have to sit in jail. Having an experienced and aggressive criminal lawyer can result in paying a lower bond or not paying one at all.
After you have been arraigned your case will proceed to the next hearing. What type of hearing will depend entirely on you and your criminal defense lawyer; you may have a pretrial, and evidentry hearing, a motion, or even a trial.
Criminal Lawyers Aaron J. Boria, PLLC
At Boria Law – Criminal Defense Attorney, we are proud to report that we have won in front of every judge at the 35th District Court. It is highly unlikely you will find any other lawyer with that record.
We fight for our clients and we get results! We do not back down to pressure from the judge to take a plea deal, in fact we never plea unless it is in our client’s best interest to do so, and we make sure it is the best possible plea available.
When a plea is not an option for a client we proudly go to trial and we prepare to win! Call (734) 453-7806 today for a free consultation!
Click here to view Aaron J. Boria’s profile.
Click here for the 35th District Court’s website