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Possession of Marijuana Expunged

The photo above is a testimonial from our client after winning his case.

Our client had been convicted of a possession of marijuana charge in the Ingham County Circuit Court 5 years ago. Now our client was lucky enough to get accepted into a PH.D. program but was concerned that the conviction would prevent him from getting the job he truly desired due to being marked as a criminal.

Having a drug conviction can cause major concerns for potential employers. When an employer is looking at two potential candidates and one has a drug conviction you can bet that the one without a conviction will be hired.

He made the decision and hired Michigan criminal expungement lawyer, Aaron J. Boria and we successfully expunged his marijuana charge and his criminal conviction was set aside.

Michigan Expungement – Erase a Criminal Record

If your criminal conviction is expunged then you can truthfully tell people, employers, schools, and the like that you have never been convicted of a crime. If a background check is preformed no conviction will be on the persons record.

Check out the video below to understand more about an expungement and what charges can and cannot be erased.

Michigan Expungement Lawyer

Aaron J. Boria is your premier Michigan expungement lawyer. If your past criminal record is preventing you from accomplishing your goals and haunting you then it is time to erase it.

Call Michigan expungement lawyer, Aaron J. Boria today for a free consultation and to start erasing your past so that you can more on with your future.