Super Drunk in Livonia Success
Our client was leaving the One Under Bar on Five Mile in Livonia. He had drank too much alcohol, got lost, and ended up stuck in someone’s driveway. The police were called and he was arrested and charged with High BAC, the Super Drunk offense. He was going to be losing his license for a year, and have massive fines.
He picked up the phone and called Livonia DUI lawyer, Aaron J. Boria (734) 453-7806. We saved him thousands of dollars and more importantly, he got to keep his driver license.
Drinking and Driving Livonia Michigan
There are three common drinking and driving offenses charged at the 16th District Court in Livonia.
The most severe drinking and driving offense is High BAC Greater Than .17, also known as Super Drunk. This is the offense our client was charged with because his blood alcohol level was .19.
If you are convicted of Super Drunk then you are facing 6 months in jail, $700 in fines plus the costs, $2,000.00 to the Secretary of State, 6 points on your driving record, and a one-year license suspension.
We were able to get his case reduced to the lowest drinking and driving offense in Michigan. He will not lose his license at all. He was not given jail time, but his potential jail time was cut in half. His fine to the court was reduced by $400.
For more information about drinking and driving in Michigan click here.
Livonia Drinking and Driving Lawyer
If you have been charged with drinking and driving in Livonia or the surrounding area call Aaron J. Boria (734) 453-7806.
We have won drinking and driving at trials, we have obtained drinking and driving dismissals, and we have obtained countless drinking and driving reductions.
We fight for our clients and we get results!