Novi DUI Lawyer Success
Our client was charged with drinking and driving in Novi. His blood alcohol was more than two times the legal limit. He was going the wrong way on the road headed for the expressway when police stopped him. He made the right call and called Novi DUI lawyer Aaron J. Boria (734) 453-7806.
When Boria was done with the case, our client didn’t spend a single night in jail. The intense probation conditions recommended by probation were also reduced drastically.
Drinking and Driving Novi Michigan
If you have been charged with drinking and driving in Novi Michigan your case will be heard at the 52-1 District Court in Novi located on Grand River Avenue just west of Beck Road. Recently Judge Reeds replaced Judge MacKenzie and a new judge was recently appointed in place of Judge Powers. The other judge in the court is Judge Bondy.
Like most Oakland County Courts the 52-1 District Court has incredibly tough penalties for almost every offense. The Novi District Court Probation department is over the top in their recommendations.
Novi DUI Lawyer
The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that at the time you were driving on a road open to the public you were intoxicated. They also have the burden to show that the officer had good cause to stop you and good cause to arrest you. Prosecution must also prove that any chemical testing that was preformed by the officer was done properly as well.
If the prosecution cannot prove any of these issues mentioned above then you are either entitled to a Not Guilty verdict or an outright dismissal.
Call (734) 453-7806 for a free consultation with Novi DUI lawyer, Aaron J. Boria
Novi Drinking and Driving Success
The facts that were against us were terrible and we were forced to take a plea. In this case we were able to convince the Oakland County Prosecutor not to charge our client with Super Drunk.
At sentencing the probation department wrote an incredibly slanted report. The report would state that the client was rude to the police but failed to say he apologized to them. Probation made several ridiculous recommendations, including:
18 months probation, test for alcohol two times a day, Drug test twice a month, have an Interlock device installed on his car, among other stringent requests.
When we were done talking with the judge we were able to get probation knocked down to 12 months. Alcohol testing was knocked down from twice a day to one time per week and then done after four months.Drug testing was knocked down to one time per month and done after four months.No interlock device was ordered. Our client also saved hundreds of dollars.