How to Get Your License Back After DUI
Aaron J. Boria is Michigan’s premier driver license restoration lawyer. Attorney Boria has successfully reinstated countless licenses that have been revoked for DUI.
Attorney Boria’s win rate for driver license reinstatement is probably one of the highest, if not the highest in Michigan, here’s why. We break driver license restoration into three phases in order to simplify the process for our clients, which we will discuss below.
You only get one opportunity per year to regain your driving privileges, so make sure you are hiring a reputable and knowledgeable driver license lawyer.
If your license have been revoked for multiple drinking and driving offenses call driver license restoration lawyer, Aaron J. Boria today (734) 453-7806.
Get your License Back After DUI
Phase 1: Do the Driver Assessment and Appeal Division paper work
We obtain our clients driving record and criminal background in order to accurately complete the 8-page affidavit required by the Driver Assessment and Appeal Division.
We recommend out client to a reputable substance abuse evaluator.
We provide our clients with a sample support letter that they can provide to their friends and family so they know exactly what must be in each letter. We also review and edit the letters until they are perfect.
Once everything is ready we send the documentation in to the Secretary of State Driver Appeals Division with a write up and request a hearing.
Phase 2: Prepare for the Driver License Hearing
Driver license lawyer, Aaron J. Boria, has been doing these hearings for years and as a result he knows what questions the Hearing Officers will be asking you.
We sit our clients down and we drill them with the tough questions and we figure out how to best answer them. This way our clients know what happens before it happens.
Phase 3: The Driver License Hearing
We appear with our clients at the Driver Assessment and Appeal Division hearing. We present evidence for our client and we help them testify. We also will also help witnesses testify on our client’s behalf.
Michigan Driver License Lawyer
You only get one opportunity per year to request a license hearing; get it right the first time. Call Michigan driver license lawyer, Aaron J. Boria today for a free consultation, and let us get you back on the road. (734) 453-7806.