No Jail – Drunk Driving – Hit and Run
Our client was charged with Operating While Intoxicated after a hit and run accident.
If you are facing a drinking and driving offense of a hit and run you need to call Boria Law – Criminal Defense Attorney (734) 453-8907.
At the onset of this case, there was a very real possibility that our client was going to be sent to jail. The judge in this case was less than pleased with our client’s conduct, and straight out stated to ur client that he should be going to jail.
Luckily for our client, we were able to convince the judge to show some leniency, and probation was ordered. Our client didn’t have to spend a single day in jail.
Drinking and Driving in Canton
If you are arrested for drinking and driving in Canton your case will be heard at the 35th District Court in Plymouth.
Judge Plakas, Judge Lowe, or Judge Gerou will preside over your matter.
A first offense Operating While Intoxicated or OWI carries up to 93 days in jail, fines, and driver license sanctions.
For more information about OWI in Canton click here.
Hit and Run in Canton
If you are charged with hit and run in Canton, usually ticketed as leaving the scene of a property damage accident, then you are facing a criminal misdemeanor.
Hit and run is punishable by up to 93 days in jail, fines, and driver license sanctions.
If someone is injured, and the injury results in the impairment of a bodily function as a result of the hit and run, you face up a criminal felony charge and up to 5 years in prison.
If someone dies as a result of the hit and run you face a criminal felony charge and up to 15 years in prison.
Canton OWI Lawyer
After leaving a bar, our client stopped to pump some gas. Once they finished filing up, they accidentally backed into a poll at the station, the poll was damaged . Embarrassed that they backed into a pull, and knowing full well that he may be too drunk to drive he fled the scene.
Upon fleeing the scene onto the roadway, he cut off another vehicle that couldn’t slow down and smashed into him. One bad decision lead to another; he raced home and hid, except that the woman who hit him followed him home and called the police.
When the police arrived our client admitted to drinking and driving. His blood alcohol level was over the legal limit and the police officer arrested him.
Even with these terrible facts we were able to get the charge reduced, which meant that our client would keep his driver license. We also saved him points on his license that would help with his insurance. He also saved well over a thousand dollars in fines, and as mentioned above, he didn’t spend a day in jail.
No matter how bad your situation is, there is always a very likely possibility that we can make it better, much better.
When you need results you had better call Boria. Call (734) 453-7806 today for a free consultation with OWI lawyer, Aaron J. Boria.