Carrying Concealed Weapon Defense Michigan
Carrying Concealed Weapon, or CCW as it is commonly referred to, is a serious felony gun crime that carries a maximum penalty of up to 5 years in prison. Criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria, has successfully obtained reductions and outright dismissals
Expired CPL and Carrying a Concealed Weapon
If you get caught carrying a concealed weapon without a valid carry concealed pistol license you need to call criminal defense lawyer, Aaron J. Boria immediately (734) 453-7806. What happens if you carry a concealed weapon and your concealed pistol license
Concealed Weapon Charge Dismissed Oakland County
In the world of criminal defense, the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office is known county known for being exceptionally tough on crime, unwilling to make deals, and seeks jail time. Our client was charged with Carrying and Concealed Weapon, a felony punishable
Carrying Concealed Weapon Lawyer Michigan
Five years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines is what you are facing if you have been charged with Carrying Concealed Weapon in Michigan. Michigan criminal defense lawyer, Aaron J. Boria has successfully litigated numerous carrying concealed weapon charges