Canton Domestic Assault Lawyer
Domestic assault is as a serious criminal offense, and Canton’s 35th District Court is no exception to the rule when it comes to treating these cases as serious criminal offenses.
Talk to an experienced Canton domestic assault lawyer before you step foot in that courthouse. Call criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria today for a free consultation (734) 453-7806.
If you have been charged with domestic assault then you are facing jail time, massive fines, and the loss of your ability to carry a gun.
Criminal lawyer Boria has obtained numerous not guilty verdicts in domestic assault charges, dismissals, and reductions for both felony and misdemeanor matters.
Even in cases where you truly believe you are guilty, it is still possible that we may be able to obtain reduce charges, or even a dismissal for you.
Domestic Assault in Canton
If you are charged with domestic assault in Canton then your case will be heard at the 35th District Court on Plymouth Road in Plymouth Michigan (less than a mile from our office). One of three judges will over hear your matter. Either the city prosecutor or the State of Michigan prosecutor will be trying to convict you.
Domestic Assault is an assault and battery that involves an additional element of someone that you have had a relationship with. The relationship can be someone you were married to or dated, and it can also include someone you lived with or are related to.
An assault and battery is an intentional offensive touching or the threat of an offensive touching.
A first offense domestic violence misdemeanor carries up to 93 days in jail, and usually has fines and costs exceeding a thousand dollars. A felony offense for domestic violence carries more than a year in prison. Any domestic violence conviction makes it illegal for you to be in possession of a firearm under federal law.
Canton Domestic Assault Lawyer
Domestic assault lawyer, Aaron J. Boria has defended countless DV charges all over the state.
There are many ways to defend against a domestic assault charge. First, it is always possible that your accuser is lying. Many people will lie in order to gain an upper hand in a divorce, child custody battle, or simply because they had bad intentions.
Second, in many cases the wrong person is charged with a crime. If your accuser was actually your attacker and you were acting in self-defense then you are not guilty.
Third, accidents happen, and if you did not intentionally assault your accuser then you are not guilty or domestic assault.
Finally, it is possible that there are other defenses available to you in your particular matter. Call (734) 453-7806 to discuss your matter today. We are located in downtown Plymouth, just down the street from the Canton Courthouse.