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Canton Police are tough on domestic violence and are quick to issue charges with little or no evidence. Frustrating, terrifying, concerning, these are just a few words that come to mind when someone is facing domestic violence charges. Being charged

The holidays are not just the season of giving; it is also the season of domestic violence charges. As a criminal defense lawyer, I see more people charged with domestic violence this time of year than any other time. If you

Around the Fourth of July, our client was at his friend’s house with his kids hanging out and having a good time. Unfortunately for our client, his ex-wife happens to be the next- door neighbor. After a couple of beers

Today, our client walked out of court with the criminal charge against her dismissed. She was charged with domestic violence in a court known for dishing out incredibly harsh penalties. We believed that we had a strong self-defense claim, and

Chief Assistants Wayne County Prosecutor, Robert Stevens, 50, has been arrested and charged with domestic violence in Macomb County. His wife made a 911 call to police this past weekend. In her 911 call she claimed that he pushed her