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Our client was arrested for drunk driving on Milford Road, shortly after he left the Red Dog where he was celebrating a friend’s birthday party. Drunk Driving Milford Michigan At 22 years old, our client is a fairly inexperienced drinker. While he

Facing drinking and driving charges is embarrassing, frustrating, and scary. You may feel like you can’t go to anyone for help out of fear that they will judge you. You may feel angry with yourself for not handling the situation

If you were arrested for drunk driving and the police officer alleged that you refused a breath test or a chemical test then your license will be revoked for a year under Michigan’s implied Consent Law. It is possible to challenge

This past weekend was Halloween Weekend. Everyone was dressed up and Downtown Plymouth was packed at Sean’s, the Post, and Penn, you could barley even more. As always, Michigan State Police increased patrols over the weekend. Michigan State Police set up

Driver license lawyer, Aaron J. Boria wins another driver license back for another worthy client. His license was revoked until the year 2070. When he called our office he told us that he could not find a lawyer that knew

Aaron J. Boria is Michigan’s premier driver license restoration lawyer. Attorney Boria has successfully reinstated countless licenses that have been revoked for DUI. Attorney Boria’s win rate for driver license reinstatement is probably one of the highest, if not the highest

Our client’s license was suspended for an entire year after he was arrested for drinking and driving and refused to submit to a Breathalyzer under Michigan’s Implied Consent Law. This meant that he would not be allowed to drive at all

Driving on drugs in Michigan is very similar to drinking and driving offenses. The elements of the offenses slightly differ but the science that is involved is significantly different, which means the defenses and challenges are different. The penalties for driving