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Our client was charged with multiple assault charges at the 48th District Court in West Bloomfield and facing serious jail time with Judge Small. Michigan criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria negotiated a simple attempted Disturbing the Peace charge and our

Home Invasion Lawyer Home invasion, or more commonly known as breaking and entering, is a serious criminal felony offense in Michigan. There are three degrees of home invasion. You will be charged with first, second, or third degree home invasion based

If you are facing felony assault charges you need an agressive Michigan criminal defense lawyer immediately. Felonious assault is a serious offense that can lead to prison, the loss of your ability to carry a gun, vote, or even be a chaperone at

Charged with assault and battery in Michigan? Depending on the facts of the case, or the allegations, you could be facing anything from a 93-day misdemeanor to a felony punishable by years in prison. Michigan assault and battery lawyer, Aaron J.

Today, our client walked out of court with the criminal charge against her dismissed. She was charged with domestic violence in a court known for dishing out incredibly harsh penalties. We believed that we had a strong self-defense claim, and