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Our client refused a breath test and her license was revoked for a year. Don’t worry, there's a happy ending, we got it back. If you came here looking for driver license restoration for having multiple drinking and driving offenses

Aaron J. Boria is your premiere Michigan driver license lawyer. If you license was suspended because of multiple drinking and driving offenses, for refusing a chemical test, or any other reason we will fight for you. Call (734) 453-7806 today

We received another Order from the Michigan Secretary of State’s Driver Assessment Appeal Division that our client’s Michigan driver license was fully reinstated. If your license has been revoked for multiple drinking and driving offenses than it is time to

Refused a breath test or blood draw? You could lose your license for the next year. Call Michigan's premier criminal defense and license restoration lawyer, Aaron J. Boria (734) 453-7806.  Michigan’s Implied Consent Law In Michigan, the law says that if you

Our client, a student at a popular college on the Westside of the state, had gotten arrested for two drinking and driving offenses. He had also been arrested and convicted of three minor in possession of alcohol offenses. To make matters