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Today our client’s Michigan driver license was restored on the spot at the Secretary of State Driver Assessment and Appeal Division. His license had originally been revoked for multiple drinking and driving offenses. If your license has been revoked for two

Our client’s license was suspended for an entire year after he was arrested for drinking and driving and refused to submit to a Breathalyzer under Michigan’s Implied Consent Law. This meant that he would not be allowed to drive at all

Driving on drugs in Michigan is very similar to drinking and driving offenses. The elements of the offenses slightly differ but the science that is involved is significantly different, which means the defenses and challenges are different. The penalties for driving

Breaking and Entering is a serious felony offense that could result in years of prison time. Michigan criminal lawyer Aaron J. Boria has defended those accused of this crime. Call (734) 453-7806 today for a free consultation. Second Offense Breaking and