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Driving on drugs in Michigan is very similar to drinking and driving offenses. The elements of the offenses slightly differ but the science that is involved is significantly different, which means the defenses and challenges are different. The penalties for driving

Breaking and Entering is a serious felony offense that could result in years of prison time. Michigan criminal lawyer Aaron J. Boria has defended those accused of this crime. Call (734) 453-7806 today for a free consultation. Second Offense Breaking and

Our client was in Brighton waiting in line to get a coffee when another driver decided that he was going to cut the line of cars waiting to order their coffee. When he cut into the line he was flicking

In this case, criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria represented his client and a co-client (or co-defendant) in a case where they were both charged with assault and battery after a scuffle in the Doc’s Sports Bar bathroom. Attorney Boria was