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Our client was drinking with his girlfriend at a house party in Northville, Michigan. At some point the fun at the house party fizzled out and out client had to leave abruptly. He had drunk way too much and on

Today, our client walked out of court with the criminal charge against her dismissed. She was charged with domestic violence in a court known for dishing out incredibly harsh penalties. We believed that we had a strong self-defense claim, and

Driver license lawyer, Aaron J. Boria strikes again. This time our client was granted a full license on the spot from the Michigan Secretary of State Driver Assessment and Appeals Division. Originally our client’s appeal for a driver license was

Clients often call me and ask me, what happens if I refuse a breathalyzer? If you refuse a breathalyzer after you have been arrested for suspicion for drinking and driving then you will lose your license for a year. There is

In this case, criminal lawyer, Aaron J. Boria represented his client and a co-client (or co-defendant) in a case where they were both charged with assault and battery after a scuffle in the Doc’s Sports Bar bathroom. Attorney Boria was